Did you know that every day you lose an average of between 25 and 60 hairs? And did you know that your hair has a life cycle?
Surely during the change of season (from summer to autumn especially), you notice that there is an excess of hair on your brushes, in the shower... it is totally normal.
And it's the topic that interests you, ¡keep reading!
The hair cycle
First of all, we want you to know the 3 different phases that your hair goes through:
Anagen, catagen and telogen.
- In the anagen phase, hair grows 1cm per month, and it grows much faster during the summer months than in the winter. This phase lasts approximately four years.
- In the catagen phase, hair stops growing. It is the shortest phase, lasting about four weeks.
- The last phase, telogen, the hair shaft becomes loose and falls out. The follicle is deactivated for approximately 3 months and the cycle begins again.
Each follicle has a different cycle, therefore, your hair does not fall out at the same time, but rather you lose between 25 and 60 hairs a day due to the different phase in which they are found.
Normally, hair loss is more significant during seasonal changes, such as in autumn.
Some specialists maintain that this is because like all mammals, our body adapts to changes in temperature, which is why hair change may be more noticeable in some seasons than in others.
Seasonal hair loss and extensions
If you went through a Play Extension salon and before putting on your extensions They gave you a hair diagnosis, you can rest assured, you are completely suitable to wear extensions.
Perhaps during the reuse of the adhesive extensions You may notice that there is more hair than normal, but you don't have to be scared. It's something that stylists already have.
What if I want to wear extensions But I notice that I lose more hair than normal?
This is where our stylists come in. Thanks to prior hair diagnosis and a questionnaire, stylists can qualify your case and know perfectly well if the hair loss you are suffering is normal due to seasonal change or if you suffer from excessive hair loss and need to undergo prior hair treatment before putting on your hair. extensions.
I need advice before putting in extensions
It seems perfect to us, what's more, Our recommendation is ALWAYS that you seek advice before starting hair extensions.
Because? In cases such as seasonal decline, we recommend that you put yourself in the hands of our stylists. They will know if the fall you are suffering is seasonal, or can lead to a more serious fall problem. In any case, finding a solution is the most priority.
If you suffer from completely normal hair loss, you will be able to wear adhesive extensions no problem, since you are extensions They are indicated for fine hair, so they do not add weight to your hair, and they will not cause more hair loss than normal.
If your hair loss is more pronounced than normal, the recommendation is that you wait before putting on the extensions. Stylists can make you a detox hair treatment, which will clean your hair of all impurities and dirt that may remain.
After this treatment, your hair will now be ready to receive the anti-fall treatment. These treatments last between 4 and 6 weeks, so you will only have to wait that period to be able to take your extensions.
We have a new room available for you
Now we are also in the Chueca neighborhood! If you are thinking about getting extensions and need hair advice first, stop by our new salon on Calle Barquillo.
In this new room we have a single cabin ideal for hair treatments.
Do you want to take a look?
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Do not hesitate to visit us and get to know it, you can make an appointment online!
And if you have more questions about the seasonal hair loss, you can contact us by whatsapp, instagram o telephone.