Like every February 4, we celebrate World Cancer Day. It is estimated that one in two men and one in three women will have cancer at some point in their lives. Every year more than 14 million new cases are diagnosed in the world and The disease causes 9.6 million deaths a year.
In Play Extensions We want to help all those people who suffer from the disease and go through the trauma of a chemotherapy treatment that causes them to lose their hair. How do we do it? Being supportive rooms of the project Solidarity Wig.
How can I collaborate?
Definitely, Hair loss is one of the side effects that patients fear the most of cancer who undergo chemotherapy treatment. Because of this, they are exposed to the rest of the people around them and see how the disease is already something visible to everyone.
On many occasions, women and girls who go through this, They opt for a wig to be able to handle the situation better and, above all, to not lose their self-esteem. There are many people who do not have enough resources to get a wig, so your hair is perfect to give them back their hope.
If you have hair longer than 30 cm, you have the perfect size for a large number of girls and women to smile again and look good in the mirror. Besides, no matter what your hair is dyed or straight or curly, the only thing that matters is that minimum measurement of 30 cm, that is enough for the Peluca Solidaria project to make the wig for all the women who need it.
If you carry adhesive extensions or any other system natural hair extensions and it's time to renew them because you have worn them for a year, you would have the possibility of donating them in one of our salons, we will make sure that Solidarity Wig receive them.
Álvaro came to Play Extensions to cut his hair. He let his hair grow for more than 2 years so he could donate it for a good cause. He tells you about his experience in this report for Telemadrid:
You can see the full program here:–20220102042021.html (min 28:10)
How do our solidarity salons work?
It's very simple. Go to one of our centros Play Extensions, which as we have said are solidarity salons, and For only €5 you can donate your hair.
After that, the hair arrives at the Peluca Solidaria factory where it undergoes different treatments in the laboratory to make the ideal wig. It's a completely artisanal process that ranges between €100 and €300. Here the hair is disinfected, the length is classified, it goes through a hydration treatment, the hair curtains are made by machine, the hair is implanted by hand at the base of the wig and the cut and hairstyle is done.
After this laborious work, wigs reach women and girls who are going through chemotherapy treatment and do not have the resources to access a wig.
As you see, we can all do our part to help people who suffer from a disease like cancer and undergo such harsh treatments. At Play Extensions, in addition to offering you the best natural hair extensions, we help people with cancer to continue looking good and you are our main protagonist. Donate your hair and change a woman's story.